Posts Tagged ‘hell’

Bumper Sticker

July 24, 2008

It’s been a while since my last post, so, sorry about that. I don’t really appreciate blogs where the blogger has diarrhea of the mouth for weeks on end. I figure if you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say it at all. 

I was on the 405 freeway the other day and took this picture from inside my truck.

Now, the picture is crappy. I apologize. I took it with my Iphone, which if you have one you know, the camera is a peice of shit. In a way though, I think it helped me capture the essence of being stuck in LA traffic. In a “Falling Down” sort of way.

The person in the vehicle in front of me was a fan of bumper stickers, or as I like to think, personal billboards. Rarely do I read them, but when you’re sitting there on the 405 cursing the assholes around you and wondering why the hell you ever decided to live in such a graveyard of time, there’s not much else to look at. I can’t ever remember remembering a bumper sticker for more than a few mintues, but on the back of this truck there was one that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. It read…

Someone I love, was murdered.

Now, I’m not sure where you get such a sticker, and I’m not sure what it meant, but I’m assuming it meant exactly what it said. But it was very confusing. Most bumper stickers offer an opinion.

Bush is a terrorist. My other car is a F-15. Jesus loves you, but loves me more. 

But this one just stated a simple fact. Someone this person loved was murdered. Maybe it was a mercy plea, or a feel sorry for me sticker, or a sticker in eulogy, but I couldn’t stop thinking, “Where the hell did you find one of those?”